2017 Holiday Baking Analytics

Want to get nerdy with me? How about some 2017 Holiday Baking analytics?

The visualizations below are a live feed (from Google Docs and visualized in Tableau Public) of the Holiday Baking 2017 stats.

Running Total by Ingredient shows the total pounds used of sugar, butter, nuts and chocolate as a time series. The item type is color coded and you can hover over the lines for more information.

Most of these holiday goodies include multiple steps.  The table below shows units in-production (red) versus completed (green) by type of  goody.  A goody won’t show up until it enters production (this means you aren’t seeing everything I’m making just yet).

Total Units in Production (hover over color for amount and item). This graph is now empty because I’ve now completed everything (it’s all over but the packaging, mailing and delivering).


Total Units Completed (hover over color for amount and item).