No new tale to tell

I was obsessed with Love and Rockets in high school.  And The Cure.  And REM.  Oh, and INXS.

I have no new recipe to share because I’m lazy and haven’t taken the time to reconstruct the uber lemony cupcakes that were supposed to be this post.

Things have been lonely without my annual bake-a-palooza (go here for 2014 and here for the year before).  There is a part of me that wondered if a year off from holiday baking would cure me of it forever.  I’m relieved to say, absolutely not.  While choosing to not bake for 2015 was a smart call–new job, house in escrow,  no new house under contract, general chaos everywhere, zombie apocalypse…okay, maybe not the last one–I’ve missed just about every aspect of it.

Next year.

Here is the thing.  I’ve realized that me saying “I’m not going to do any holiday baking the year” is pretty much the same as your high school boyfriend saying “just the tip.”  And so, six batches of rum butter nuts, four batches of  quadruple threat chocolate cookies, two batches of nutella rice crispy treats, four batches of triple ginger cookies, a double batch of Altoid brownies and a slightly overcooked batch of salted caramel squares later, I definitely did not do any holiday baking.

I’m not sure what the next few months will look like for TMHostess.  There is still that part where we’re going to be homeless in mid-January (our house sold faster than we could find the next one), but like a bad penny or that weird stain on the carpet, I’ll be back.

In the meantime, happy holidays and here’s to a fantastic 2016!